Your GoTo Expert For These Services
- Pregnancy Scans
- Gender Scans
- Private Men Ultrasound Scans
- Private Women Ultrasound Scans
- Vascular screening

- Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes & Bedford
- 01908 260963
About your GoTo Expert
Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes and Bedford offer an unbeatable combination of cutting-edge technology and innovative services, all at the sort of highly affordable rates that might surprise you. Whether you need a pregnancy scan, a soft tissue scan, or an advanced MSK scan, make Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes your one stop shop.
Ultrasound Direct Bedford is one of a select number of ultrasound clinics in the UK equipped to offer high definition scans. Our hand-chosen team of friendly healthcare professionals routinely deliver a service that’s second to none.
Ultrasound Direct is also offering COVID-19 Antibody Tests at clinics across the UK and Northern Ireland to help you establish whether you have had and recovered from COVID-19.
Why Choose Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes or Bedford?
- One of the few regulated ultrasound clinics in the UK to offer HD 4D baby scans
A convenient location with excellent transport links, right in the heart of the picturesque historic market town of Stony Stratford - A comprehensive range of 2D, 3D and 4D pregnancy scans, with prices starting at just £40
- The very latest in advanced HD ultrasound technology
- The results of a scan performed at this clinic are sent directly to your mobile or email address using Ultrasound Direct to MOBILE
- Babybond® Pregnancy Scans
- Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes is one of the few regulated ultrasound clinics in the UK equipped to offer high-definition 4D baby scans. But even if this isn’t what you’re looking for, we offer a comprehensive choice of baby scans, ultrasound screening, and Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT) to suit every need and every budget.
Ultrasound Direct has NHS provider status, and we’ve been externally audited by the official regulator. So if you’re a parent-to-be in the Milton Keynes area, pay us a visit, and our qualified sonographers will deliver the highest quality ultrasound scan at the lowest possible price.
- All of our early pregnancy scan appointments are 15 minutes as standard. You might have noticed that this is longer than most providers offer. But why?
- Well, you won’t usually need this extended appointment when everything is going well. But if the outcome of your scan is unexpected, these longer appointment times enable our healthcare professionals to act on their duty of care both professionally and compassionately. And what’s more, our professional sonographers are backed up by a recognised clinical pathway for any further referral you may need.
GoTo Members Offers Available: https://digital-discount-card-yearly-membership
- A Complete Range Of Ultrasound Services
- Beyond our advanced Babybond services, our expert team is uniquely qualified to offer a wide range of ultrasound scans for women’s and men’s health.
- Ultrasound Scans for Women’s Health
- Family planning and fertility scans
- Pelvic scans
- Postmenopausal screening
- Ultrasound Scans for Men’s Health
- Abdominal scans
- Kidneys, ureters & prostate scans
- Testes & scrotum
At Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes, we also have the following ultrasound scans available for both women and men:
- Soft tissue lumps & bumps
- Vascular screening for stroke risk evaluation to include carotid scans (assessment of the blood flow in the arteries of the neck) and abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA – a potential swelling of the main abdominal artery)
- A comprehensive range of musculoskeletal (MSK) scans for sports injuries, RSI, and other conditions.
- Have your scan images sent to you in seconds using Ultrasound Direct to MOBILE: a safe and secure system for the delivery of ultrasound scan images to your mobile device or email address. Ultrasound Direct to MOBILE is included with all scans performed at the Ultrasound Direct Milton Keynes clinic at no extra cost, so you can receive your images to share with friends and family on social media straight away.
Review in association with Facebook & Google
“We had our gender scan today at 16 weeks and it was amazing! All staff were lovely and friendly and made us all feel comfortable. we took along a 5-year-old who loved it! after baby not cooperating we were sent for a walk and given sweets to try again to make sure we got some good pics. we didn’t want to know the sex so the lovely ladies kept it a secret gave us a cannon and sent us excitedly on our way to find out!! We will be back for 4d definitely!”