Your GoTo Expert For These Services
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- Shape Maternity Services
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About your GoTo Expert
Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)
If you use, or have recently used, maternity services in these areas, or perhaps you work in maternity services in Milton Keynes then we want to connect with you.
Our members set up this website to inform you about what we do and how you can have your say in how your local maternity services are run and developed.
We meet several time per year to discuss our local maternity services – how they are working for parents and how they should be developed. We agree an annual work plan and we work collaboratively to progress our work plan. We seek out, listen to and respond to the opinions of local parents across all communities within Bedford, Luton and MK, making extra effort to hear from seldom-heard groups. We share best practice with other areas, examine and review the latest evidence based-midwifery and obstetric research, as well as local and national developments, to ensure that local women and their families have access to the best quality maternity services.
Use the local area MVP pages to learn more about how what we do @
You feedback, we listen
To give us your story please fill out the survey. If you would prefer a phone call please just get in touch to let us know.