Your GoTo Expert For These Services
- Family occasions
- Funeral and memorial services
- Handfasting & Vow renewals
- Wedding ceremonies
- Naming ceremonies

- Ali Moore
- 07590 069332
- [email protected]
About your GoTo Expert
The Celebrant Story Teller
As a Celebrant it is my honour to be part of your special day. As a story teller it is my privilege to bring your family tales to life.
Funerals & Celebration of Life
Losing a loved one brings forward many emotions. There is also lots of organising to be done including finding a way to remember those that have passed over, which is appropriate and personal to the person that they were. As a Celebrant it is my role to help bring together their story. To allow their story to be told and for those remembering them to feel there is an opportunity to say goodbye, in way they would choose themselves.
When you wish to mark a special event my role is to create a ceremony that reflects you. From working with you on wording for the ceremony itself to suggesting events within the ceremony such as sand ceremonies, candle lighting or perhaps even tree planting, alongside the creation of atmosphere with music and readings.
A Celebrant performs a non-legal ceremony so for weddings and civil partnerships you will need a short registrar service beforehand, however a Celebrant Ceremony gives you amazing flexibility. I can include religious readings, prayers and hymns – respecting your beliefs and values. I love to create fusions which honour you and yours – whether it’s focused on a pagan handfasting or combines a mix of faiths or simply on the concept of spirit within us where no religion is cited.
As a Celebrant we can also choose a location that best fits your perfect day as we do not have to be in a licensed premises, so outdoors, your family home – really the ideas are limitless.
- Family occasions
- Naming ceremonies
- Wedding ceremonies
- Handfasting
- Vow renewals
- Funeral and memorial services